I know my ballot was just mailed to me because I’ve been checking frequently by going to: www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/BallotTracking.aspx
The status for a long time showed “Pending” with nothing in the “Ballot Mailed On” field. This indicated that my request was in the system but the ballot was not yet mailed:
Ballot not yet mailed
Then, today, my ballot status changed:
Ballot Mailed on 10/02/2020
I haven’t received it yet, but I know it will look like this after I fill it out voting for the Democratic ticket in all six races:
When I get it, I know my options:
Fill it out properly (see video instructions below) and mail it as soon as possible; OR
Fill it out properly (see video instructions below) and take it to the Board of Elections dropbox in Doylestown outside the county administration building (old courthouse) at 55 E. Court St.; OR
Take the entire package that received in the mail including the envelopes to the polls and turn it in so I can vote in person on the ClearBallot machine.
To make my vote count when working from home, I will watch this video to make sure I do everything right: