Evangelical Christians Reckoning

Wouldn’t we all be thrilled to learn how Evangelical Christians reconcile their professed faith with their electoral actions.

From an outsider’s point of view, it seems:

  • Believing in Trump is more important than belief in family values or even common decency.

  • Belief in Herschel Walker’s potential Senate vote trumps any care for unborn children or, for that matter, honesty, intelligence, or non-violence against women.

  • Animal welfare is secondary to electing Dr. Oz’s.

Please let us understand how the teachings of Jesus Christ (who had some pretty great things to say whether you are a Christian or not) can be ignored if they conflict in any way with regaining control of the Senate and regaining a complete grip on power.

Have the Christian Nationalists who have taken the helm of the Republican party abandoned all integrity?

Nuremberg supposedly taught us that the end does not justify the means.