What was once unacceptable is the new normal

Republicans once extolled virtue and character as the most important qualities in a public servant, but now, with Herschel Walker, they have shown that they care nothing about such qualities. It’s important to remember, he couldn’t have done it alone. He wouldn’t have survived the scandals and the ample evidence of a mind unsuited for governance. And in the final tally, millions voted for him.

In the years since 2015, when Donald Trump declared his candidacy for President, he has inured us—especially Republicans—to scandals as he provoked one after another. He was always a cad, but not on the national stage. Republicans are now a party where literally nothing is a disqualification for office.

But, in the process, Republicans have lost their way. Not only are they willing to support unqualified, immoral candidates who whine about stolen elections, but they can no longer see how far they have fallen. When someone attacks the Constitution, we all should stand and defend it.

These lost soul Republicans are constantly screeding about Constitutional rights (real or imagined in the case of 1st Amendment rights applying to private companies), claiming to carry pocket versions, and crowing about reading it on the House floor. And yet, just like on Jan 6th, they have no understanding of how to defend it even though they are sworn to do so and anything less is breaking that oath and committing treason.

Voting for such treasonous candidates and rallying for them once in office is beyond the pale.